IFATCA is a worldwide organisation representing more than fifty thousand air traffic controllers in 131 countries.

The goals of the Federation are:

  •     To promote safety, efficiency, and regularity in international air navigation.
  •     To assist and advise in the development of safe and orderly systems of air traffic control and new procedures and facilities.
  •     To promote and uphold a high standard of knowledge and professional efficiency among air traffic controllers.
  •     To closely cooperate with international and national aviation authorities and institutions concerned with air navigation.
  •     To sponsor and support the passage of legislation and regulations which will increase and protect the safety of air navigation.
  •     To strive for a world-wide federation of Air Traffic Controllers. Associations.

The Federation comprises of Member Associations that are divided into four regions – Africa & Middle East, Americas, Asia & Pacific and Europe.

An Executive Vice President from each region is a member of the governing body – the Executive Board that governs the Federation on behalf of the Member Asssociations. The structure of the Federation and its various bodies and representatives can be found here.

IFATCA enjoys a worldwide reputation amongst all partners in Air Traffic Management with representation in many areas including ICAO and Eurocontrol working groups.


IFATCA has it’s headquarters situated in Montreal just a short stroll from ICAO. The office is manned during normal office working hours and any initial enquiries should be addressed to the Office Manager, Ms. Tatiana Iavorskaia, at the address below or via mail: office@ifatca.org

360 St Jacques
Suite 2002
Quebec H2Y 1P5